Try Yin or Hatha Yoga

Bhavana Yoga Studio

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Yin Yoga Guide 101 and What Makes Yin Yoga Stands Our from Others

We often hear about Hatha Yoga, Power yoga while Yin yoga is still a little-known discipline, but you know what? This yoga style could be fundamental for your overall health. How? Yin Yoga works on body and mind, helping you to achieve a psychophysical balance.

Some exercises are similar to those of other yoga variations, but Yin yoga stands out for being very quiet and meditative. It is inspired by the Taoist concept of "Yin and Yang" and the need to achieve the right balance between the opposite and complementary forces of nature.

The goal is to achieve another degree of relaxation, but also to give strength to those who practice it. The final result?

Strong muscles, mind free from thoughts, and more flexible joints.

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What is Yin Yoga and How It Can You More Relaxed Than Ever?

Born in the seventies, Yin yoga was conceived by Paul Zink, a famous martial arts champion. The discipline, initially practiced by a few, became very famous in the late 1980s thanks to Paul Grilley, an American yoga teacher.

The discipline includes simple exercises, but with great effectiveness, capable of acting on body and mind. They stimulate vital energy, relax the body, and help control emotions. Yin yoga is inspired by the Taoist concept that two forces in nature are both complementary and opposite: Yin and Yang. This duality is also present in the human body.

For example, the elastic muscles represent Yang, while the ligaments, which appear to be more rigid, are linked to the Yin. The purpose of the discipline is to relax the muscles and stimulate the connective tissue, making the person perform a sort of passive stretching, thanks to deep breathing.

Each position must be maintained for at least 4-5 minutes, guaranteeing a high-intensity relaxation.

>> Click Here To Try A Yin Yoga Class at Bhavana Yoga Studio


Why is Yin Yoga so good?

Yin yoga, as already mentioned, has many benefits for the body and mind. First of all, it helps to strengthen the muscles, improving the functioning of tendons and ligaments, since the positions must be maintained for a rather long period.

During our Yin Yoga lessons, the person is invited to carry out specific sequences of exercises that aim to stimulate the energy channels called meridians.

The results also affect the mind, because you focuses on your body, regaining contact with the muscles. It should be emphasized that this practice does not sculpt the body, but allows you to prevent injuries and pains, promotes joint mobility, makes the body much more flexible, and deeply relaxes the mind. It is no coincidence that Yin yoga is recommended for those who want to start practicing meditation as well and for those who are on a recovery journey.

If you are intrigued by Yin Yoga, its mindful gentle but effective approach and you want to give this discipline a try, our yin yoga classes are the perfect ones for you! We will help you explore this incredible discipline easily and practically giving your body and your mind the chance to build a strong flexible body while enjoying some relaxation.

What makes Yin Yoga is even interesting is this: Stimulates Meridians
Yin Yoga is slow-paced style of Yoga with deep stretching poses. It incorporates the principles of traditional Chinese medicine with asanas (postures)

The sequences of postures are meant to stimulate the channels of your body known as meridian in Chinese medicine.

This makes Yin Yoga very unique and provides lots of health benefits to the Yogi's.

During the Yin Yoga classes the students will hold the asanas
longer periods of time than in other styles. For beginners, asanas may be held from 45 seconds to two minutes; intermediate practitioners may stay in one asana for 2-4 minutes.

Get started now!

>> Click Here To Try A Yin Yoga Class at Bhavana Yoga Studio

November 11, 2021 - Reading time: 10 minutes